Say it in Concrete!
Recently you have probably seen our Facebook
photos and posts about the concrete work we've been doing. While Bob has been working with concrete for years, this spring he did some work with concrete stamping in place of wood on a deck that was just spectacular and generated a lot of comments.

Then, Ben Cook moved back to town to work with his Dad (Bob) and that allowed more time to invest in concrete work. We recently set up the concrete for the bus stop at Towne East Square for example.
During the Roman Empire concrete was made from quicklime, pumice, and pozzolana. You've no doubt seen images of the many Roman structures. Today's concrete is more sophisticated with chemicals that can accelerate the drying time, increase workability, and change colors. Mineral additives and blending cement mixtures improve the properties of concrete.
What people don't realize is that concrete has a miriad of uses from sidewalks to foundations, from faux stone walls to decks. Concrete is even becoming a popular countertop alternative to granite for it's durability and easy cleaning. It's crazy all the things you can do with concrete. And the great thing is, concrete made from all natural materials so it's environmentally friendly. It also doesn't require maintenance.