Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Location, Location, Location!

If you've been thinking about having a custom home built, it's certain you have been considering where you would want to live! With all the new developments cropping up and the option to live in suburban or rural locations, there are many options to choose from when choosing your building location.

Is your desired location akin to a "Field of Dreams?" Before investing in a rural building location there are a few things you'll want to check on up front. First, of course, is the land build-able? The building site may be unstable, have drainage issues or require excavation work. Also check on the water source, is it potable (not all water sources are!).
And then, unless you want to live in the literal dark ages, you'll want to check on the availability of electricity and phone or cable service.

If you are looking into an area that is on the fringe of of a city, but not quite fully developed, be sure you know about the easements, zoning and property line restrictions.

There are also developments that are currently underway where you can buy a lot in a community with built in amenities like playgrounds, water features, or swimming pools. In these areas you'll need to find out about the homeowner's association requirements and dues.

Above all, the key is location, location, location! Proximity to the activities you enjoy, shopping, entertainment and parks should be considered. If you have children, you'll want to check out the local schools and be sure to choose a "kid friendly" neighborhood. If retirement is around the corner, you'll may want a more peaceful environment with couples in the same stage of life.

Don't be afraid to talk to people who live in the area you are considering to get a better view of what you can expect. Find out if the area is tight-knit or if anonymity is the norm.

Bottom line, before you build be sure you are happy with the location and you'll enjoy not only your new home, but you'll enjoy the community for years to come. And by the way, we'll be happy to help you find the best location for your new home & build it too! Contact us today.

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