Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Keeping Cool with Cellulose Insulation

It's getting pretty hot out there, are you getting concerned about your cooling bill?

Almost everyone has some knowledge of insulation. It's usually in the walls and attics of the home and serves as a guard against the temperature outside and the temperature inside. You may not know how the different types of insulation vary. The thicker and more dense the insulation, the better the home is protected from outside temperatures, thus keeping the home cooler and the electric bill to a minimum.

Most builders use insulation that meets the minimum standards. The insulation may be made of: foam; rigid boards of fiberglass, polystyrene or polyurethane; batts of mineral fiber; or loose fill fibers or fiber pellets.
While all of these do insulate the home, the rating is not that high. And when there is a 20 mph wind combined with a 20 degree F temperature the insulation doesn't function any better than a wood board.

In Bob Cook homes we use only the best, highest rated insulation called cellulose.
Cellulose is a "green" insulation made from shredded newspapers, magazines and other paper items that would otherwise be in the landfill. It's fire retardant, has excellent sound control (so you won't hear the party next door) and has the highest "R Value" per inch. (see the side by side comparison in the image below)

[R-Value represents the measure of resistance to heat flow through a given thickness of material. The higher the value, the less likely heat will not flow through]

Insulation's purpose is to stop heat flow. When you're warm inside you don't want that to leave the house and when it's cool inside you don't want the warm air to come in. If the insulation is very dense, air can't move through it and the home stays a comfortable temperature and outside noise is less audible.

This is just one of the ways you'll see a difference when you choose Bob Cook to build your new home, of course ICF homes are even more energy efficient. Contact us today for more details.

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